Wednesday 5 May 2010

Soi Dog foundation

A lady on Folksy, Ms Catfaceandpancakes, is traveling to Thailand at the end of this month to give her time freely for the benefit of dogs and cats taken in by the Soi Dog Foundation. To this end she is raising money to fund her visit. In addition to flights she is budgeting on £11 per day: £7 for travel and the piddly rest for food. She is aiming for a total of £900.

I had hoped to bolster her fund a little by selling a necklace, and passing all the money on to her fund raising account. A good plan. Well, a plan. The necklace is still in my shop. Please have a look. It has Swarovski crystals and is perfect for Spring/Summer pastel fashion...

 Or offer the long arm of Orangutan love to tango, in Catface's shop:

The Foundation does wonderful work, and help like Louise's must be invaluable to them. Please visit their website to read about the cases they take in every day. It is heartbreaking. Especially if, like me, you only have to look over your shoulder to see your healthy, happy family dog members.

Please visit Catface, aka Louise, fund raising page:

Thank you.


  1. I am off to her folksy shop to buy the fox on there.

    One of my own dogs was rescued from a Greek island. He was only 8 weeks old and wandered into a bar during a thunder storm. The locals pelted him with bottles! Luckily a kind English couple brought him home and we got to keep him. I love my Homer Staphalopoulos! He is so cute.


  2. Hey Alison : ) I love Louise's arigumi beasties, but my sister likes orangutans so Tango caught my attention.

    Lucky Homer! I'm glad he found a good home with you. I found it so hard to read the SDF website, but it is brilliant when badly treated animals find new homes.

    Mine are currently nagging me to go out on a w.a.l.k. .... I'm so glad they don't know how lucky they are!

  3. Thank you so much for the blog, you've been an amazing help to me. I'm sure the necklace will sell very soon, it's beautiful!
