Friday 16 July 2010

Folksy Friday 16th July

Hello - just whizzing off to accompany my friend and her gorgeous son to toddling gymnastics, as chief coach. Not really. I think it is to wear him out.

It is a rushed FF today therefore, but the items were carefully chosen yesterday. With your eagle eyes and sharp thinking brains you will spot the connection immediately : )

No time to list all items at the bottom today - which is naughty, sorry - but if you click on the item you'll be whizzed to the sellers fine shop.


Thursday 15 July 2010

Martial Crafters!

It's nice to have company - and look who I found on Folksy ... a fellow martial-crafter clan member! Lovely Diomo is a stained glass artist who is also an archer. She kindly agreed to be bloggerviewed and to shine some light on how a martial art and crafting art fit into her life. 

Bow : )

Can you tell me a bit about the martial art you practice?

Looking at the field, it’s less martial art and more social gathering! Lol. I do archery, because for quite some time I’ve fancied giving it a go. There is of course a serious side to it, safety being paramount but to the individual the commitment can vary enormously. There is a zen to archery. It’s certainly not just point and shoot, it’s skill, patience, practice, thinking and sometimes not thinking too much.

Diomo's compound bow. Beautiful
Does your martial art suit your character?

Perfectly. And my life in many ways. I’m something of a perfectionist and of course I want my arrows to always go in the middle! They don’t of course, but that’s why I practice. It can be frustrating but also gives a huge feeling of achievement. It’s an individual sport as well as a team sport.

I (still) sometimes forget to breathe when practicing karate. What do you sometimes forget when training?

It’s so easy when at full draw with a 40lb bow to hold your breath! But the biggest problem is often thinking through the whole shooting process - it’s the quickest way to tense up!

Right ho, time to blow your trumpet : ) Two big toots please. Can you tell me about your biggest triumphs in both crafting, and archery?

My first triumph would have to be that I am now a stained glass artist - that’s means I have a career! I design, build and restore windows as well as have fun making the smaller items.

The second I would say is my archery ‘count’ - in 2 ½ years I have 41 medals, 2 trophies (that I keep winning!) and about 12 club records. I am the top female recurve & compound archer in my club. I’ll stop blowing now! lol

Diomo's 'Braggin' Board'. That's a lot of winning bling : ) Congratulations!

What about your biggest challenges in the future - crafting and training or competition wise?

Building up business is a big challenge, largely because people aren’t spending money yet after the recession. I have confidence in my work but getting a big enough portfolio built up is difficult if the work isn’t coming in.

Archery wise - to practice more recurve shooting and to keep improving with the compound - although there’s little pressure with the compound as I’ve only been shooting it a couple of months!

Any lesson you’ve learnt in archery, which you could apply to your craft … or vice versa?

I’ve had it confirmed that I am good at working on my own and the results of what I do are solely down to me. But that’s how I like it.
Have you found a happy balance between life / work / crafting and training? Tips gratefully received

I have worked hard to achieve a fairly relaxed feel about work. I get to choose my own hours, work in the way I want to and I get to make the things I want to make. Freedom because I’m self-employed. And as archery is something I and my husband chose to do, that too is as competitive or relaxed as we want it to be. I can work extremely hard when I want to and on the things I want to work on and therefore the rewards are so much better.
My totally gorgeous, chic and tinkly pendants from Diomo

In your craft and your martial art what or who inspires you?

I don’t think there’s one person that inspires me, it’s the collective range that makes me go ‘wow’. How different everyone is and how everyone tackles the same thing so differently. What inspires me, or motivates me, is looking at what I have achieved and always wanting to do better.

What is your favourite piece of kit?

My bows or my glass cutter? Couldn’t do anything without them! Lol

How do you know if you are in the zone?

When I’m shooting, surprisingly, glass never crosses my mind! When I’m working, putting arrows in the gold never crosses my mind! It’s like single vision, nothing else matters.

Would you share three things with us?
Thought for the day - if you don’t try, you’ll never know!
Your blog -
Your Folksy shop! - DiomoGlass 

Thank you very much for your time and thoughts, Ms. Diomo. Talented, determined, with excellent aim...

Here is a selection of the beautiful (and cute) creations in Diomo's shop

Mini Dark blue Sculpture, by Diomo Set of 6 glass coasters, by Diomo
Stained Glass Rose panel, by Diomo Red Ladybird suncatcher, by Diomo
Mosaic Jar Lantern, by Diomo Glass Ant, by Diomo


Y'Know, there are more of us out there. Ms. Birdcage Creative has also kindly agreed to share some thoughts on practicing kuk Sool Won, a Korean martial arts system, and making be-ooo-tiful things. Coming soon : )

Friday 9 July 2010

Folksy Friday returns

I've been a right ratbag again, and neglected my Folksy Friday, my blog, and other things. I've been mostly out of circulation. Sorry, again *attempts kind of beguiling expression sported by my own dogs*

I have missed the pleasure of looking for and finding lovely things, and I've really enjoyed discovering these marvelous things. Please go and have a tootle around their shops - just click on the picture.

Chilli Hot Muscle Rub, by Holistix Triangular Birdbox, by Wudwerx
Green and Picture Jasper bracelet, by BedazzleEm by Emma Cushion fearturing dog illustration, by sara norwood
Pure Linen tote bag, by Yellow House Design Hand beaded silver-plated bracelet watch, by Time for Beading
Rainbow Cascade sterling silver necklace, by sparkling lemondrop RLeather Clothes Clip, by Sildara
Sock Giraffe Gemima, by TeacherCreatures Kitchen Soap, by Hea'ram Skearam

Working our way down from left to right, from muscle rub to blue soap:
Hot Chilli muscle rub, by Holistix. At least two products here for hard training martial artists!
Triangular bird box, by Wudwerx. Location, loca ... for birds 'n' bees, and other wud marvels
Green and picture jasper bracelet, by BedazzleEm by Emma. Luscious beaded jewellery
Cushion featuring dog illustration, by sara norwood. Beguiling beasts, vintage textiles
Pure Linen Tote bag, by YellowHouse Design. Beautifully made fabric brooches and bags
Handbeaded bracelet watch, by Time for Beading. Temtping selection of beaded watches
Rainbow Cascade silver necklace, by Sparkling Lemondrops. Bright & beautiful silver jewellery
Leather Clothes clip, by Sildara. A small colourful collection of wearables - more please!
Sock Giraffe Gemima, by TreacherCreatures. Adorable teddies and sock creatures.
Kitchen Soap, by Hea'ram Skearam. Delicious soaps, butters and, erm, monkey farts ; )

Thursday 3 June 2010

A Rather Lovely Summer Surprise ...

Hello, on this gorgeous, warm summer's day. Doesn't it feel gooood? Something else that also feels good * linking smoothly to my news * is being a winner. Uhuh.

Not usually lucky in draws or raffles, or frankly even those bran tub exercises (if memory serves) I was DELIGHTED to be a winner in one of Lizzy's brilliant giveaways. I was touched yesterday to receive, not only the beautiful necklace I was expecting, but some brilliant extras too. What a lovely, talented and generous lady. Thank you Lizzy : )

Now then, before pics, Lizzy's blog is here - and she has got 2 other give-aways running right now - so pop over and have a look.

Click on any of the pictures to be taken to Lizzy's Folksy shop

Prize from Lizzy Dollys Emporium giveaway Prize from Lizzy Dollys Emporium giveaway
Prize from Lizzy Dollys Emporium giveaway Prize from Lizzy Dollys Emporium giveaway

Absolutely gorgeous! Go on - off to lizzy's blog with you!

My Abyssinia bracelet was featured in a treasury this week too, which was a marvelous pick up. Thank you Vintage Beader! By happy coincidence she is also a talented bead weaver. Here is her blog, her Dreamaid shop, and her Folksy shop.

My little cats

Aaand finally. I'm setting up shop at a Pamper Evening run for the Cancer and Bio-detection dogs charity at the Littlebury Hotel in Bicester on 18th June. I am really looking forward to it ... here are the wee 'Cupola' earrings I've donated for the raffle. Hope they're OK...:

Friday 28 May 2010

Folksy Friday 28th May 2010

I missed a week. Sorry. But, with no further doings, here is my 'Horses (and ponies) Known and Loved' themed Folksy Friday. I'll not name the ladies below, because I want to know if my Ma and sister can spot who's who, but will say that the first picture gives me a lump in my throat: the best, prettiest, baddest, most wall-eyed (both of 'em) friend a girl ever had.

Cushion for a Friend, by classic reflections Lavender Moon Necklace, by Owl on the Sill
Sea horse, by marmaline Pink and Grey necklace, by Blue Forest Jewellery
Capricious, by Red Shed Art Rosa necklace, by beauSHAMBLES

From left to right and pony to rosa
Cushion for a Friend, by Classic Reflections. Pretty WV and vintage style textiles
Lavender Moon necklace, by Owl on the Sill. Very tasty gemstone jewellery. Lovely stones.
Sea Horse, by marmaline. Fabulous prints, expressive eyes (except for the Winter tree)
Pink and Grey necklace, by Blue Forest Jewellery. A big feast for your eyes - gorgeous jewellery
Capricious, by Red Shed Art. Beautiful and story-full moments caught on film or oils
Rosa, by beauSHAMBLES. Very lovely and intriguing range of handcrafted jewellery

Thursday 13 May 2010

Folksy Friday 14th May

My intended theme of 'horses known and loved' has been postponed for one week. Because, my blog is haunted. Ahuh, haunted. At least, my Folksy Friday page has been beset by slippage sprites*. Be gone, naughties! Not sure I'm doing the right thing by filling FF with Ghosts and Ghouls and Unsettling Feelings... but here are some lovely ones I've found on Folksy:

Copseywood Ghouls, by NettyBennets Ghost of Kathryn, by Natashe Morgan
peace place, by Bee Brady Photography One for Sorrow, by Champignons Little ghost earrings, by Emma Louise Originals Be back soo, Dotty and Boo, by Littlebirdphotography Ghost Tree, by Dick and Franny Dead and Buried, by Emma in Wonderland Photography

* You'll notice there is more empty space than necessary over the treasury.... I didn't put it there. Ghosties!

Disturbing ya bones from left to right and top to grave bottom
Copseywood Ghouls by NettyBennetts. Superbly staged, gravely beautiful, eery characters
The Ghost of Kathryn, by  Natasha Morgan. Haunting lost girls in elegant disarray ... and friends
peace place, by Bee Brady Photography. Magic pictures containing space, and narrative.  
One for sorrow*, by Champignons. Mostly not ghosts here but witty and handsome prints
Little ghost earrings, by Emma Louise Originals. Charming and lovely stamp jewellery
Be back soon, Dotty and Boo**, by littlebirdphotography. Heartbreakingly beautiful pictures
Ghost Tree, by DickandFranny.A fantastic boutique of jewellery, watercolours and prints.
Dead and Buried, by Emma in Wonderland Photography. Marvelous, full of meaning photography

* The Magpies are perched on a speech from Hamlet. Hamlet is sometimes described as a ghost story. Tada. * bow * : )
** There is a ghost in this picture, although I'm not sure where. Whoo-oo-ooo. I love it though (and I'm scared of ghosts)

Friday 7 May 2010

Folksy Friday

Hello, Just a swift note to day that Folksy Friday is done and dusted and ready to see on the Folksy Friday page. The theme is Direction.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Soi Dog foundation

A lady on Folksy, Ms Catfaceandpancakes, is traveling to Thailand at the end of this month to give her time freely for the benefit of dogs and cats taken in by the Soi Dog Foundation. To this end she is raising money to fund her visit. In addition to flights she is budgeting on £11 per day: £7 for travel and the piddly rest for food. She is aiming for a total of £900.

I had hoped to bolster her fund a little by selling a necklace, and passing all the money on to her fund raising account. A good plan. Well, a plan. The necklace is still in my shop. Please have a look. It has Swarovski crystals and is perfect for Spring/Summer pastel fashion...

 Or offer the long arm of Orangutan love to tango, in Catface's shop:

The Foundation does wonderful work, and help like Louise's must be invaluable to them. Please visit their website to read about the cases they take in every day. It is heartbreaking. Especially if, like me, you only have to look over your shoulder to see your healthy, happy family dog members.

Please visit Catface, aka Louise, fund raising page:

Thank you.